Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Shrink Wrapping for Transportation

Whether you are transporting your asset by low-loader, trailer or as deck freight it will become exposed to the elements, environmental factors and other hazards.
Shrink wrapping will provide the following benefits:
  • Protection from pollutants e.g. oil, dust etc
  • Protection from rain and spray from wet roads
  • Added security from opportunist theft
  • Ensures it arrives in the condition it left

Shrink Wrap Solutions for Aviation

Marine grade shrink wrap film is also ideal for shrink wrapping aircraft - shrink wrap fighter jets, helicopters, passenger jets, executive jets - you name it, it can be done.
But why might you contemplate shrink wrapping an aircraft? Perhaps your business is in sales of aircraft and you want to deliver by means other than flying and want it to arrive in tip-top condition.
Shrink wrapping your aircraft can also protect equipment and electronics form environmental pollutants as well as keeping prying eyes at bay.

If you are exhibiting at an air show, shrink wrapping can protect your assets, models and full-size displays whilst transporting. It is easier for us to shrink wrap your aircraft than have them cleaned at their destination!

Industrial Shrink Wrap Applications
We have worked with industry over the years in a variety of ways:

Shrink wrapping plant and equipment for relocation
Shrink wrapping redundant kit to preserve its value
Shrink wrapping finished goods to ensure that your customers receive your products in as good as condition as when it came off the production line
Protecting electronics and sensitive equipment from the environment


Ashley Bulluck Sales Manager Gulf Express International LLC 1810 Garfield Street Hollywood FL, 33020 Ph: 954-589-0170 Fax: 954-589-2855 abulluck@gulfexpressintl.com

1 comment:

  1. I have been looking a lot lately into shrink-wrapping services. I mean there are a lot of things that you need to look into and before you get these kind of services. I just do not know what all it is that I need to look for and ask about before though. I just want to be careful and know that I am going with the right people.
    Jak Manson | http://www.edwardsenterprises.biz/
