Your peace of mind is our top priority.
Our dedicated staff has come up with many helpful programs to assist you throughout your moving process of your yacht or boat. Providing our customers with choice, flexibility and control, because you deserve it!
Listed below is a comprehensive list of services our dedicated staff has come up with to better service you!
1.Yacht Transportation:
- Inland Transportation
- Containerized Services
- Boat Shipping Cradles
- Varied Shipping Methods such as:
- Float-on/ Float-off, Lift-on/ Lift-off & Roll-on/ Roll-off
- Financial management - budget and expenditures
- Tax and legal requirements
- Boat registration & certification
- Insurance coverage
- Marinas & dockage service
- Monitoring & security
- Boat cleaning & detailing
- Parts procurement & delivery
- Regular light maintenance (filters, bulbs, tanks, etc.)
- Engine & equipment maintenance and repair
- Recruitment, reference, & certification
- Contracts, payroll & insurance
- Management & communication
Gulf Express International, Inc.
1810 Garfield Street
Hollywood FL 33020
ph: 954-589-0170
skype: gulfexpress